Be Seen by an Expert
You've dedicated your life to perfecting your craft.
Now grow your impact and income.
Record video feedback at times that work for you.
Julius Oliver, Swim Guru
" I don't have enough hours in the day to see everyone. ExpertX lets me help more clients because I can watch their videos when I have a minute and interact everyday."
Share your custom web page.
Users upload their videos.

You receive their videos in the app. Easily record your video analysis.

What You Earn
You decide how much to charge per video or if to offer your feedback for free. In the Account tab simply enter your fee.
Our 15% fee includes the credit card transaction cost.
There is no fee when you elect not to charge.*
*Limited time offer and ExpertX reserves the right to share free videos on social media

How to Edit
Click a video in your Video List, Tap record - we’ll capture your voice and what you draw. You can slow it down or speed it up. Tap record again when you’re done.

Spread the Word
Now let people know how you can help them kick butt via micro sessions.
Share your link. Yell from mountain tops.
Record a video that gets your audience pumped to upload.